Graham Summers and the Strategic Impact team have launched a new campaign featuring America's Death Spiral.
By subscribing to Strategic Impact today, you can learn how to protect your investment portfolio for “the coming collapse.” New subscribers receive a bundle of guides and eBooks discussing “America's Death Spiral.”
How can you protect your portfolio from an impending economic collapse? What’s the story behind America's Death Spiral? Find out everything you need to know about Strategic Impact and America's Death Spiral today.
What is Strategic Impact?
Strategic Impact is a financial analysis newsletter published online by Three Founders Publishing, a Baltimore-based investment analysis firm.
The newsletter is led by editor Graham Summers, who works with hedge funds and high net worth individuals.
The goal of Strategic Impact is to give investors the inside scoop on politics and economics. Graham claims to take readers behind the scenes of financial markets and the geopolitical space, helping investors prepare for unexpected events.
Earlier this year, Graham and the Strategic Impact team published a newsletter listing specific stocks that would go up if Trump got re-elected.
In November 2020, the company launched a separate marketing campaign featuring America's Death Spiral.
Graham now believes that the United States “will experience a $7.4 trillion financial extinction event” on January 15, 2021. Individuals who follow Graham’s recommendations today can protect their portfolio, maximize returns, and minimize risk while America collapses.
What is America's Death Spiral?
Graham Summers of Strategic impact claims the United States is poised to collapse in the near future.
Fortunately, investors who make certain moves today can avoid this collapse, minimize risk, and maximize returns even in a tumultuous world.
By subscribing to Strategic Impact today, you receive a bundle of guides explaining how to protect yourself and your portfolio from “America's Death Spiral.” By taking certain action today, you can minimize the impact of the financial collapse on you, your family, and your portfolio.
Here’s how Graham introduces America's Death Spiral and how it works:
“Do you get a sense that our country has spiraled out of control? If you look at what’s been happening around us…It’s hard not to think that the America we grew up in no longer exists.”
Graham criticizes rioters, leftist radicals, America’s education system, and the coronavirus “crisis” for destroying the United States. The sales page gets increasingly bizarre the more you read:
“Our education system is run by leftist radicals who’ve brainwashed our children into believing that free speech is “violence” and biological sex doesn’t exist. And our liberal media will ruin your life by “canceling” you if you dare speak out against any of this insanity.”
Graham is so convinced about the United States' upcoming collapse that he wrote an open letter to President Trump.
In that letter, Graham begged Trump to take action against the United States Federal Reserve and stop them from printing so much money. Graham was concerned with the amount of money the Federal Reserve was printing during the coronavirus pandemic, claiming it would lead to the worst inflationary shock we’ve seen in decades.
We can’t spoil full details of America's Death Spiral upfront. However, here are some of the claims Graham makes when discussing America's Death Spiral:
- On January 15, 2021, the United States will experience a $7.4 trillion financial extinction event.
- Investors who take certain steps today can avoid the carnage.
- The financial extinction event will lead to widespread bank failures, corporate bankruptcies, a 70% drop in stock markets, and a 25% unemployment rate.
- Graham claims martial law will be imposed throughout the United States after the event.
- A historic meltdown worse than the 2008 crash will begin on January 15, 2021
- Grocery stores will run out of food and shut down, and the few grocery stores that remain open will “have security guards both inside and outside,” while food banks will have lines “three miles long.”
Overall, the point of America’s Death Spiral sales page is to scare you into taking action.
The page is targeted to older, conservative people concerned about the direction of the country. These people cannot afford a 70% drop in their retirement portfolio, and Graham wants to convince you to buy his newsletter to make money – not lose money – when America collapses a few weeks from now.
Clearly, Graham believes America is poised to collapse into anarchy in the near future. But let’s take a closer look at how he plans to protect investors from the crash.
How Can Investors Protect Themselves?
Graham recommends signing up for Strategic Impact today to learn how to protect yourself and your portfolio from America’s upcoming collapse.
By signing up for Graham Summers' Strategic Impact today, you get a bundle of eBooks recommending specific actions to take to protect yourself.
Some of the topics covered in the guides include:
How to get rich when the collapse hits, including the specific investment opportunities presented by a crisis.
9 ETF trading plays you can use to profit during the crisis as other markets collapse.
The invincible assets to buy today that will not fall significantly during the upcoming collapse, including the 30% of corporations in America that will not go bankrupt as the world collapses.
Little-known investment opportunities that other investors will ignore during the crisis.
Why you should invest in precious metals to safeguard your wealth – and why gold and silver ETFs are a bad investment.
Other risk management strategies to implement today to mitigate your risk, protect your portfolio, and safeguard your assets.
By following Graham’s recommended advice, you can purportedly minimize the impact that the upcoming economic crisis has on your portfolio.
What’s Included with Strategic Impact?
Strategic Impact comes bundled with various ebooks and guides that explain how to navigate the upcoming market collapse. Some of the topics covered include:
Monthly Issues of Strategic Impact: Your subscription includes one new issue of Strategic Impact every month. Each issue of the newsletter contains at least one new investment idea, including a recommendation that Graham believes will rise sharply in the coming months. By following these investment ideas, you can purportedly profit from massive shifts in the financial system, according to Graham.
Report #1: Crash Proof: Four Invincible Asset-Protection Strategies for the Coming Collapse: This report highlights four strategies Graham uses to protect and grow his wealth when America’s financial extinction event occurs on January 15.
Report #2: The Ultimate Home Protection Guide: As mentioned above, Graham believes America will collapse, starting in January 2021. He claims grocery stores will shut down, leaving you and your family unable to obtain food. To solve this issue, Graham recommends various home protection strategies to defend your home and family and secure your livelihood, including the security systems, weapons, and other protective measures to use during the apocalypse that is purportedly around the corner. The eBook features reviews for rifles to help you decide which gun is best for defending your family in post-apocalypse America, how to build a panic room, and what to do when cell towers collapse.
Report #3: The Everything Bubble: The Endgame For Central Bank Policy: This eBook explains how central banks' inflationary policies (like the United States Federal Reserve) are creating a bubble for everything. Graham explains why this bubble will eventually collapse, creating a crisis.
Weekly News Updates: Every week, Graham sends an email analyzing market conditions and discussing specific assets or moves. This information can help investors answer questions on whether to buy, sell, or hold.
Text Message Alerts: Strategic Impact subscribers periodically receive text message alerts for buying, selling, or taking other action. If Graham and his team spot an opportunity in the market, they’ll send actionable trade advice recommendations to your phone, allowing you to take action quickly.
Money & Crisis Subscription: Money & Crisis is a daily newsletter from Graham Summers. The newsletter covers market analysis, global economics, geopolitics, and other topics. This subscription is free for anyone, but it’s included with your Strategic Impact subscription.
One Last Thing Subscription: Your subscription also comes with a subscription to One Last Thing, which provides further market analysis. Again, this subscription is free for anyone, but it’s included with your Strategic Impact subscription.
5 Minute Forecast Subscription: 5 Minute Forecast is a regular newsletter covering market news and analysis. Once again, this subscription is free for anyone, but it’s included with your Strategic Impact subscription.
Strategic Impact Pricing
Strategic Impact is priced at $79 per year when bundled with the above bonuses. You can also buy a digital-only subscription (with no reports) for $49:
- Digital Subscription: $49
- Digital Subscription + Bonuses: $79
- Digital Subscription + Print: $129
Only the middle package (for $79) comes with America’s Death Spiral bonuses mentioned above.
Strategic Impact Refund Policy
Strategic Impact comes with a 6 money refund policy. You can request a complete refund on your subscription within 6 months of your purchase.
To initiate the refund process, contact customer service at 844-368-2923.
About Three Founders Publishing
Three Founders Publishing is a financial analysis firm based in Baltimore. The company also does business under the name Laissez Faire Books, LLC.
Three Founders Publishing offers four flagship core newsletters, including Altucher’s Investment Network, The George Gilder Report, Strategic Impact, and the Laissez Faire Letter.
The company also offers advanced trading services like Secret Income, Altucher’s Top 1% Advisory, and Altucher’s Weekly AlphaBrain Alert.
You can contact Three Founders Publishing via the following:
- Email:
- Phone: 877-453-1177
- Mailing Address: 808 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21202, USA
Final Word
Graham Summers of Strategic Impact has launched a new sales page highlighting America’s Death Spiral. Graham claims inflation, social unrest, the coronavirus pandemic, and other issues will create a catastrophic extinction event in the United States starting on January 15.
By following Graham’s recommended strategies today, investors can purportedly profit and protect their wealth during the upcoming crisis. Graham recommends buying precious metals and other assets.
To learn more about America’s Death Spiral and the actions investors should take to protect themselves, subscribe to Graham Summers’ Strategic Impact today.