The Great Devaluation is a webinar featuring Adam Baratta.
During the webinar, Adam discusses why gold is a smart investment – and why cash could be devalued in the near future.
What is The Great Devaluation? What will you learn during the webinar? Find out everything you need to know today in our review.
What is The Great Devaluation?
The Great Devaluation is an online video discussing the importance of buying gold.
According to Adam Baratta, the reckless spending of the United States Federal Reserve “has sent our economy into an uncontrollable spiral – the likes we’ve never seen before.”
Adam claims, “The Great Devaluation” has already begun, and it will lead to “the greatest transfer of wealth in human history.”
During the webinar, Adam explains how to protect your wealth from this ongoing devaluation. He recommends buying gold, for example, which has risen sharply in recent years. Adam believes gold will continue rising in the next several years, outperforming traditional investments significantly.
The Great Devaluation webinar airs online regularly at Anyone can attend the webinar for free just by entering their name, email address, and phone number into the online form. It’s not technically a webinar because it’s not live: it’s just a video regularly playing on the same website.
What Will You Learn in The Great Devaluation?
In The Great Devaluation, Adam Baratta explains how to embrace, prepare, and profit from the global monetary reset.
Baratta believes that central banks worldwide – including the United States Federal Reserve – are devaluing the currency by printing too much of it. Printing trillions of dollars may be a proven way to escape from an economic crisis, but it also devalues the currency.
The United States Dollar, like most currencies, is a fiat currency. It’s not backed by anything. It’s just a piece of paper with the value ‘by decree’ of the United States government. Decades ago, fiat currencies were linked to the price of gold or other concrete assets. Today, currencies float in value based on countless factors.
In The Great Devaluation, Adam Baratta discusses why the United States Dollar will plummet in value – and how ordinary investors can protect themselves.
Some of the topics covered include:
- How the United States Federal Reserve grew to become more powerful than the federal government
- Why the Federal Reserve’s policies are fueling wealth inequality across the United States
- How the Fed’s policies are leading to a huge devaluation of the USD
- The reason America’s 100-year dominance on the world stage is now in jeopardy
- Why inflation will become a huge issue over the coming years after 40-years of interest rate manipulation and the simmering “everything bubble.”
- Why negative interest rates are not a feasible solution to this crisis, and why the Federal Reserve will use quantitative easing (i.e., money printing) to try to stop the devaluation
Ultimately, the purpose of The Great Devaluation webinar is to push you towards an investment model. This investment model can protect you from the upcoming devaluation.
According to Adam, that investment model has outperformed Wall Street by nearly 10x over the last two years.
Adam believes this model will outperform passive investing strategies 5 to 1 through 2027, delivering you 5 times higher gains than the average portfolio.
How to Avoid The Great Devaluation
How does Adam recommend avoiding the devaluation of the US Dollar? How can you protect your assets and wealth?
Some of the strategies discussed in The Great Devaluation include:
Switch away from a traditional 60/40 passive index investing portfolio. Adam claims a traditional 60/40 portfolio will lose money over the next several years.
Instead, switch your money into gold.
Buy gold and gold-related assets to protect your wealth over the coming decade.
Gold is the basis of Adam’s investment strategy that has purportedly beat Wall Street 10x over the past two years.
By following Adam’s recommendations, investors can purportedly enjoy “the biggest wealth-building event of the decade.”
Who is Adam Baratta?
The Great Devaluation’s sales page describes Adam Baratta as “the #1 financial author in America.” The page claims he predicted the 2018 gold rally and the 2019 decline in the US Dollar. At the start of 2020, Adam insisted that we would see a “Black Swan” event at the beginning of the year – just weeks before the COVID-19 pandemic started.
In reality, Adam Baratta is the co-founder of Advantage Gold, an online gold IRA seller, and gold investing blog. Adam has written two books on gold, including Gold Is a Better Way and The Great Devaluation.
Before launching his gold company, Adam was an award-winning screenwriter, director, and producer.
The Great Devaluation Pricing
The Great Devaluation is free for anyone to attend. Just enter your name, email address, and phone number into the online form to get started.
By entering your contact information into the form, you agree to allow Gold Is A Better Way (GIABW) to contact you with promotional offers.
What is Gold Is A Better Way?
The Great Devaluation goal is to push you towards various products and services from Gold Is A Better Way, found online at
Gold Is A Better Way is a website with videos, investment guides, reports, and other private members' information.
You can join Gold Is A Better Way for free as an ‘Insider’ to get an idea of the company's content.
To access most of the content, however, you’ll need to buy an Elite membership ($49 per month) or a VIP membership ($249 per month).
By signing up to view The Great Devaluation, you agree to receive marketing information from the Gold Is A Better Way team.
Final Word
The Great Devaluation is a webinar that aims to convince investors to buy gold to protect their wealth over the coming years.
According to Adam Baratta and the Gold Is A Better Way team, gold will outperform traditional assets by 5x over the coming years. In fact, Adam believes traditional investment portfolios (with a 60/40 split) will lose money over the coming years due to various factors.
The Great Devaluation is free for anyone to view online. Just enter your name, email address, and phone number into the online form to get started.