Did you recently come across “Dr. Ron Paul’s Urgent Coronavirus Message for Every American?” For those who were curious, it comes straight from the retired politician himself. In the Stansberry Investment Advisory presentation from Ron Paul, he warns consumers of the ill-minded individuals that exist, namely those who are trying to “profit politically from the panic.”
He starts his argument off by shedding light on the fact that no one truly was warned of the coronavirus and how the same was evident with tuberculosis, smallpox, the Spanish Flu, the Plague of Justinian, HIV/AIDs and even Black Death among others. Dr. Paul goes to highlight that the death toll of the coronavirus pandemic is a “drop in the bucket compared to the worst pandemics in history too.”
One might wonder, if it isn’t so big, then why is there so much fear? To this question, he blames the media. As per his findings, the media characterized COVID-19 with a “terrifying narrative” – mentioning it at least 2.1 billion times by the end of March alone.
Where is he going with this? With panic comes harsh decision-making, which he affirms will put the U.S. at another financial crisis. That said, he wants everyone to protect themselves and their families – both emotionally and financially. Without further ado comes a book that he believes serves as a guide towards achieving financial prosperity. It is none other than The Battle for America.
–> Click here now to see Ron Paul's Battle for America Book Presentation <–
What is The Battle for America?
Put together by Stansberry Research, The Battle for America will cover a number of policies that could potentially play out amidst the coronavirus throughout the world, with specific focus on America.
Who is Dr. Ron Paul?
Dr. Ron Paul is widely known for serving as the U.S. representative for Texas’ 22nd and 14th congressional districts. However, his first ever passion was always medicine, and he supposedly pursued it for nearly 60 years. Throughout his career, he actively participated in bettering America. As history appears to repeat itself, he once again believes there’s a way to overcome the hardships of the pandemic.
What will I learn from The Battle for America?
The Battle for America will reveal investments that individuals should get rid of before the 2020 election. In particular, the team at Stansberry Research have pinpointed 50 companies in the U.S. today that might bring down the value of one’s investment portfolio. In addition, individuals will learn of investments that could save money, and how to handle their respective retirement accounts.
Most of all, a better understanding regarding the following will be attained:
- Laws passed in the 1930s and how assets increased in value despite turbulent times
- A financial asset worth holding onto post-election
- The importance of holding U.S. money and how it is projected to soar 500%
- How to buy “Trophy Assets” when they are being sold at reduced prices
- Possible ways the government might pay for welfare programs
How do I gain access to The Battle for America?
To get hold of The Battle for America for free, individuals will have to become member of a monthly research service called Stansberry’s Investment Advisory.
What is Stansberry Investment Advisory?
On the first Friday of every month, members will be informed on the research firm’s top investment recommendations supplemented by a full analysis. This research service is meant to offer members access to the six companies whose shares are expected to soar regardless of how the 2020 elections turn out.
Other perks include:
Bonus Report #1: The Silver Trade
As the name suggests, this report will cover ways in which members can make money off of silver as an investment.
Bonus Report #2: The Ultimate Trump Trade
The Stansberry team affirms that despite his hate for one particular company, it has the potential to bring gains and details regarding this will be disclosed in this report.
Bonus Report #3: The Currency Trade
With COVID-19 comes currency fluctuations that one can take advantage of. In this guide, members will learn about an asset that is expected to soar by hundreds.
Bonus Report #4: The Tax-Free Way to Make 500% Gains in America Today
The next of many bonuses is “The Tax-Free Way to Make 500% Gains in America Today.” In it, one will familiarize themselves with a “rare opportunity to get some wealth out of the U.S. dollar,” which is considered tax-free.
Bonus Report #5: The World’s Most Valuable Asset in a Time of Crisis
Stansberry Research supposedly holds one specific asset they anticipate will grow in value by 1,700% in the long run. Details regarding this asset, particularly on how to get started, will be found in this report.
How much does the Stansberry Investment Advisory membership cost?
Originally priced at $199, the current going price of the Stansberry Investment Advisory is $49 for the first year. It also comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Bear in mind that every year afterward will cost $199 and in order to discuss matters regarding this membership, it is best to contact customer service at (888) 261-2693 or by visiting here.
Final Thoughts
Dr Ron Paul’s message to all entails how individuals could better protect themselves from the effects of COVID-19 – both emotionally and financially. He goes on to introducing a book called, The Battle for America, which seems to have been put together with the help of Stansberry Research.
Upon becoming a member of the monthly financial newsletter, Stansberry Investment Advisory, individuals will come to learn of tactics that could help them grow their wealth. With the 2020 election gradually creeping on the U.S., some investment opportunities are said exist, while others might plummet. Hence, precautionary measures need to be taken for ultimate protection.
New members can take advantage of the reduced price of $49 for the first year, which is quite inexpensive in comparison to standard newsletters. Although there exists 30-day money-back guarantee, it might not be enough time to assess the recommended portfolio’s performance, as short-term investments can take anywhere between two and six weeks to bring returns, with a long term lasting at most none months. Hence, it might be best to sacrifice $49 before having to pay its full price again.
While there aren’t many recent reviews on this newsletter, many in general have been pleased with the educational resources and quality of research presented. Most of all, its track record is said to be above average.
At the end of the day, if one was to become a member of Stansberry Investment Advisory, it is highly encouraged that they reason out the recommendations and do additional research to be certain. To learn more about Stansberry Investment Advisory, click here.